
SHARE Awards

The John R. Ehrman Award for Sustained Excellence in Technical Education

This award was established to recognize an outstanding body of contribution to SHARE’s technical program. It honors those who have provided the content of SHARE’s technical program, by delivering high quality presentations, contributing to strategic white papers and ongoing task forces, championing technical activities, and sharing technical expertise at a high level. There are two aspects of the award that must be satisfied:  the demonstration of exceptional technical competence and knowledge, and the effective sharing of that competence and knowledge with fellow SHARE participants over time. Please submit your nominations by utilizing the link below. 

Any participant is eligible for consideration, we recommend at least 5-10 years experience of SHARE contributions. Recipients need not be ribbon-wearers but must be long-term contributors to SHARE's technical program. Current and past volunteers, and IBM employees are eligible for the award.

Past Recipients

Jim Elliott, 2024

Mario Bezzi, 2024

Frank Kyne, 2024

Riaz Ahmad, 2023

Harv Emery, 2022

Glenn Anderson, 2019

Melinda Varian, 2019

Robert Rannie, 2018

Cheryl Watson, 2018


Click Here to Submit a Nomination for the John R. Ehrman Award



Laetitia Harrer Snow Memorial Award for Humanitarian Service to SHARE


To honor individuals who have shown a long-term dedication to SHARE, with contributions to SHARE's culture, people, and environment, and as a memorial to Tish Snow, who was, herself, an example of this type of individual. 

Nominees must have five years or more of volunteer service to SHARE, but should not have been a member of SHARE Senior Management in the five years immediately preceding their nomination. During those five years, however, their service to SHARE will have continued, in the form of active mentoring volunteer support, informal committee or Board involvement, and will have demonstrated that their commitment to SHARE's people extended beyond their commitment to complete their formal volunteer duties. 

Past Recipients

Robert Rosen, 2014

Ron Thielen, 2008

Robert Rannie, 2004

Anne Caluori, 2003

Chuck Forney, 1994

Bettye Odneal, 1993

John Hogan, 1993


Click Here to Submit a Nomination for the Laetitia Harrer Snow Memorial Award for Humanitarian Service to SHARE