
SHARE Bit Bucket Presentations

The SHARE Bit Bucket session has been a tradition of SHARE since SHARE 76 (March 1991) when Bob Shannon and Carl Youngren presented it for the first time. Each session includes multiple speakers who present interesting topics that would not require a full SHARE session to cover. The topics are things they have learned during the current SHARE conference, since the last SHARE conference, or that they believe would be useful for the SHARE community. Topics range from hardware use, configuration, challenges, to software features, configuration, and other challenges.

Note that the Bit Bucket session numbers are in Hex


SHARE Conference



Bit Bucket 1

SHARE 76 – Mar 1991

CSRCESRV, Common Area Data Spaces, Callable Cell Pool Services, Batch LSR (BLSR) Facility


Bit Bucket 2

SHARE 77 – Aug 1991

Read-Only Data Spaces, ESCON Protocol, Object Access Method (OAM), I/O Timing Facility (IOT), Tape Label Block Count Change, APF Changes, Dump Analysis and Elimination (DAE)


Bit Bucket 3

SHARE 78 – Mar 1992

Recent Multi-Image Manager (MIM) Activity, VOLID Facility, Tape Label Block Count Change, Message Processing Logic, Quick Cheap and Easy Message Suppression, Dump Analysis and Elimination (DAE), IEBCOPY ESCON Write Performance Level-Set, TIMEUSED Macro, Virtual Register Management, Extending ISPF, Pipelines, Getmain/Freemain Trace


Bit Bucket 4

SHARE 79 – Aug 1992

ESCON Protocol, RAID Primer, Getmain/Freemain Trace, ISPF Undo command vs Recovery On, Problems with System Determined Blocksize (SDB), Pipelines, Features in MVS/SP 4.3 You May Have Missed, SYSPLEX Enhancements, System Programmer Productivity Enhancements


Bit Bucket 5

SHARE 80 – Mar 1993

CONSTOMP, STC JCL Augmentation, APF Not Required for LPALST Data Sets,Controlling Storage Allocation, NUCLSTxx, STCs vs SSNs, SSI Function Code 54, Closer Look at IEFSSIVI, RUNSSCT, Canceling Jobs, Name/Token Services,SAS Tips from a Complete Hacker, REXX I/O, Dynamic Reconfiguration Management, UCB Services, Command Prefix Facility, Using XMIT/RECEIVE to Backup a PDS to PC


Bit Bucket 6

SHARE 81 – Aug 1993

Advantis (IIN) Dial Access, IBMMail over the Internet, Controlling Storage Allocation, LSR/BLSR Buffer Clearing, Hooking into MVS, TSO/E Platform, Canceling Jobs, Changing ISPF Variables, Rapid Data Capture and DUMPSRV, VLF Updates, Swap Reasons, ISPF Command Table, Dynamic APF, Using XMIT/RECEIVE to backup a PDS to PC, Have You Looked at SYS1.SAMPLIB Lately?, ERBSMFI


Bit Bucket 7

SHARE 82 – Feb 1993

Dynamic APF, Channel Path Measurement Facility (CPMF), APARs of Interest, Online Message Facility, CSVINFO, More about LXs, DB2 SRC Constraint Relief, Hooking into MVS,


Bit Bucket 8

SHARE 83 – Aug 1994

UCB Structure in SP 4.3, Dynamic Reconfiguration Management, 3995-153 Optical Storage, UCBSCAN Service, UCBLOOK, UCBINFO, EDTINFO, DEVTYPE Macro, LSPACE Macro, LXs, On ramp to the Information Highway, Using XMIT/RECEIVE to Backup a PDS to a PC


Bit Bucket 9

SHARE 84 – Mar 1995

CACHEMAN (Amdahl Cache Utility), How to Find LPAR Name, SYMREC, ISTRACON, Delete UserCatalog Force, ISPF Keylist, DB2 Measured Usage License Charge (MULC), 3990-6 CUIR Problem, System Message Changes, New APAR Closure Code, Asynchronous Data Mover Facility (ADMF), DB2 Hiperpools, ISPF Model – Hidden Help, RMF Usability Enhancements SPE, APARs of Interest


Bit Bucket 0A

SHARE 85 – Aug 1995

MVS/SP 5.1 Install Experiences, Dynamic Dump Datasets, RMF Usability Enhancements, Asynchronous Data Mover Facility (ADMF), DB2 Hiperpools, Device Self Description Information, Using IOSCDR, EBCDIC Device Numbers, IEFJFRQ, Subsystem Broadcast Function Processing


Bit Bucket 0B

SHARE 86 – Mar 1996

First Failure Support Technology (FFST), Persistent JCL, Dynamic SSI, IEFSSNxx Considerations, Dynamic SSI Display Commands, Creating the Subsystem Vector Table, ISPF Tips, ASAP and SIS Enhancements, CRT Slot Rotation, RACF Database Corruption,High Paging to Expanded Storage,SMF Switch Performance, ZIP and UNZIP for MVS (and VM)


Bit Bucket 0C

SHARE 87 – Aug 1997

LINKLIST Libraries in a User Catalog,PSA Overlays and Other Ugly Problems,DEVSERV QDASD and QTAPE SPEs, SMF Dump Performance,DAE Sysplex Support,ISPF Split Screen >2, ISRONLY, ISPF Site Command Table,Dynamic User Exits,PARMLIB Symbolic Checker


Bit Bucket 0D

SHARE 88 – Mar 1997

JOB Cards for Started Tasks, System Symbolics, Using MVSVAR, Dynamic Linklist Facility OS/390 R3, Extended Indirect Volser Support, IBMLink Via the Internet, LX Tips, APARs


Bit Bucket 0E

SHARE 89 – Aug 1997

TASID, LPAISPF, APARs of Interest, Alternate Wait Management, IOACTION Command MVS/SP 4.2.2, D IPLINFO, Dynamic LPA Facility OS/390 R4


Bit Bucket 0F

SHARE 90 – Feb 1998

Extended Indirect Volser Revisited, D LLA – Undocumented Command, Enhancement to LOADxx IODF Specification, Catalog Search API, APARs of Interest, ICKDSF and Y2K, VSAM Catalog and CVOL Y2K Reminder, What about the Y98 Crisis, Mysterious Driver 98, OS/390 Coexistence and Currency, Load vs Load and Clear, System Dataset Blocksize (SDB), Where is CSNBKGN, SQA Shortage SP 226 Key 0, RACF Generic Profiles vs Long Life Address Spaces, Dynamic Dump Datasets Deja Vu


Bit Bucket 10

SHARE 91 – Aug 1998

RACF Generic Profiles, Y98 Crisis, Load vs Load and Clear, 4 Digit UCB Names – Not, VTAM under JES – Perhaps Not?, IEAVTRML, Private Region Size Surprise, SYS1.STGINDEX, IBMLink Password Freedom, APARs of Interest, LNKLST Unallocate/Allocate, Concurrent PDS Update, SemiPriviledged Instructions, Logrec and EREP, Logical Parmlib, Adding LE Modules to Dynamic LPA


Bit Bucket 11

SHARE 92 – Feb 1999

Everybody's Gone Surfin (a handy URL index for MVS goodies), Trapping Key 8 Getmains to CSA, CSM: Communications Storage Manager, RTLS – Run Time Library Support, SYS1.PVTMACS, SAMPLIB, IEAVG730 Console Service, TCP/IP and CICS Sockets, Mega Vary, SQA/ESQA Default Allocation, DFSMS Library Consolidation, PDS/E vs SYSRES


Bit Bucket 12

SHARE 93 – Aug 1999

PDS/E vs SYSRES, APARs of Interest, CONFIGxx, SYSMDUMP to SYSOUT, UNIX Freebies, The Ghost of Bit Buckets Past (a reprise of undocumented commands, newly discovered options, and parameters), Millicode, CFMON, STSI/CSRSI


Bit Bucket 13

SHARE 94 – Mar 2000

CF Sizer, VTAM Links Through CF, Enhanced Catalog Sharing (ECS), Pause-Release-Transfer, Retrieve Element Information and Test Pause Element, PDS/E vs SYSRES, PDS/E Problem Analysis and Repair, Catalog Alias using Reserved Flags, DFSMS 1.5 Gotchas, Fixed Storage < 16Mb, Two Digit Year EXPDT, 2DGT_EXPDT – Next Generation, LE Behavior Improvement, Temporary Data Set Anomaly, VTAM Message Flooding Table, ISRDDN Compress


Bit Bucket 14

SHARE 95 – Jul 2000

APARs of Interest, FTP Accounting, IPL Timing Statistics, Sun Star Office 5.2, WLM – Managed Initiator Problems, Adios ADMF, Dynamic Linklist Facility, Dynamic LPA Facility, Adding LE Modules to Dynamic LPA


Bit Bucket 15

SHARE 96 – Mar 2001

ISPF Cut and Paste, Bringing Up Baby (1 pack DR system), APARs of Interest, D LLA Revisited, TCP/IP SMF Records, Queued Direct I/O (QDIO), DSPCALL DSPLIST Service, Reserved Bit Incorrectly Set in Catalog Alias Entry, Large Tape Block Size, IEBGENER Changes in OS/390 R10, Rename a Duplicate Data Set, Fixed Storage < 16Mb, HMC Access via the Web, XISOLATE, JES2 Spool Volume Name Change


Bit Bucket 16

SHARE 97 – Jul 2001

OPERLOG Viewer, Yet Another STEPCAT Alternative, Alternate SE, Cylinder vs Track Allocations, SYSTCPD Revisited, Elementary UNIX Stuff, PDS/E Problem Analysis and Repair – Redux, PDSE Monitor, R10 Stuff APARs, RACF Freebies, $D PCE, ACTIVE, Rename Open Data Set Revisited, Unicode, Relative Branch Instructions


Bit Bucket 17

SHARE 98 – Mar 2002

CMDS Command, CAPEX Optimizer Removal, ISPF EDSET, ISPF ISPVCALL, Program Properties Table (PPT), Tape Sharing, BPXWDYN – Easy Allocation, PDSE Monitor, APARs of Interest, Displaying Microcode Levels, HMC Driver 3C Feature, Full Catalogs, RACF Sysplex Communication, ARM Wrapper


Bit Bucket 18

SHARE 99 – Aug 2002

IEFACTRT, SSIVER, Storage Services, RAX – Real Address Space Block Extension, IEFUSI, Full Catalogs, z/OS 1.3 CISIZE Change, IDMS Program Protection and z900s, BPXMTEXT, FTP GUI Tool


Bit Bucket 19

SHARE 100 – Feb 2003

IDMS – Program Protection – and z900s, Health Checker for z/OS and Sysplex, IBMLink – IBMLINK/2000 – and Resource Link, Cut and Paste ISPF, Cut and Paste Windows, Trapping Key 8 Getmains to CSA, BPXWDYN – Easy Allocation, jEdit – a Nifty Editor, Processor Information, Auxiliary Storage Slot Scavenger, SMF 119 – New TCP/IP SMF Record, LE Tuning Exercise


Bit Bucket 1A

SHARE 101 – Aug 2003

Store CPU ID Changes, WLM Problem – How we shot ourselves in the foot, BPXZODMV, BPXESMF, STK Dynamic LMU Connection Support, CA-MIA Enhanced Vary, Secret APARs, Linkage Editor, spacek – REXX Exec for z/OS Unix, DB2 Table Update with REXX, How to use the BXLE Instruction, SMB for SMPNTS in HFS


Bit Bucket 1B

SHARE 102 – Feb 2004

Enhanced Data Set Integrity, Channel Measurement, CICS 322 Function, Catalog Update Failure – Enhancement, z/OS CPs at IPL, Enhanced PSP Concept, WebSphere V5 InfoCenter, Tuning Tidbits, Managing LNK and APF Lists – The Sad Old Way, Managing LNK and APF – PROGxx WhizBang New Way, Configuring Storage, Multivolume SAD


Bit Bucket 1C

SHARE 103 – Aug 2004

MPFCMD, IEAVG700, ASASYMBM, RACF Dynamic Templates – z/OS 1.5, Diag Traps, RMF PM, How Long is your IPL?, RACF Application Identity Mapping (AIM), Create Your Own InfoCenter, Adventures with Standalone Dump, Enhanced Data Integrity (EDI)


Bit Bucket 1D

SHARE 104 – Mar 2005

My Support, EXCP Support for Format-1 CCWs, ISPF Edit Compare, Tool to Help Abend Programs with Unintentional References to PSA, Avoid Coding Mistakes in HLASM, ESS Large 3390 Volumes, RLS for HSM Revisited, Cascaded FICON, Allocating CF Engines, msys for Operations


Bit Bucket 1E

SHARE 105 – Aug 2005

Many Modern 3270 Displays, Assemble on Workstation – Link on Host, CNZ_MSGTOSYSLOG, Unicode Conversion Services, OpenSSH, ISPF Panel REXX, Simultaneous TSO Logons to Multiple LPARs in SYSPLEX


Bit Bucket 1F

SHARE 106 – Mar 2006

NextGen 3270, Misadventures in CONSOLE, Drop Your SUSPENDers


Bit Bucket 20

SHARE 107 – Aug 2006

Advanced Linguistics Search, NextGen 3270 Update, There is no I/O like NO I/O, SMF Type 41 reporting with SAS/MXG, Going Completely DAFfy (the Dataset Audit Facility), IPL – Not Just Another TLA


Bit Bucket 21

SHARE 108 – Feb 2007

DS6800 User Experience, D UNI, DS QDASD, Unicode for the Smart and Lazy, VTOC, RMF Data Portal for /OS, Secret Service Link, ASAP Profiling, Clean PASTing


Bit Bucket 22

SHARE 109 – Aug 2007

IBMLink, Unicode Redux, No Reservations Required (GRS), GRS Tidbits, InConsolable


Bit Bucket 23

SHARE 110 – Feb 2008

Console Me, System REXX Helps Consoles Speak TSO, VPL Twilight, STFLEd, Branch Office, APARs of Interest, ISPF Hilite


Bit Bucket 24

SHARE 111 – Aug 2008

IPCS, What Are Those Funny Characters On My Screen?, Loading a Module into the Job Pack Area (JPA), Another Few Bytes Over The Line (PCCA and LCCA), JES2 Problems, Discontinuous SYSPLEX Migration


Bit Bucket 25

SHARE 112 – Mar 2009

HiperDispatch, APARs of Interest, z/OS 1.10 VSM Made Smarter and Faster, Where is the Remote Control (HMC API), Large 3270 Use, 2 Cool or Not 2 Cool – advanced cooling system


Bit Bucket 26

SHARE 113 – Aug 2009

z/OS Predictive Failure Analysis (PFA), zRemote Redux, APARs of Interest, JES2 Support for DSI in z/OS 1.10, Easter Eggs, CAT Herding (FIXCATs), ISPF Editor and Hex, Spinning out JESLOG


Bit Bucket 27

SHARE 114 – Mar 2006 [Title Page should read March 2010]

JES is a Bottleneck for z/OS Networking, TSO/E Logon to other than the Primary Subsystem, BPXMTEXT, Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?, To Live and Die in LLA, Stumbling over VATLST, It Takes Two to Make a z Ten Go


Bit Bucket 28

SHARE 116 – Mar 2011

Great Virtual Couple, ISPF Command Shell Game, Invoke ISPF Services from your PC, DIAG Trap Vigilance, IPV6 Ready?, UnXMIT, Moving to a new CPU, Archive SMF


Bit Bucket 29

SHARE 117 – Aug 2011

What's in a (Data Set) Name?, Console Presentation, You Must Be a Mainframer If…, Simultaneous TSO Logons, Full Text Health Check for z/OS notifications, APARs of Interest


Bit Bucket 2A

SHARE 118 – Mar 2012

View from the Topo (HMC Topology), Put a Little ZIP/UNZIP in your Job Step, The DSN Check is in the Mail, First Reports are often Wrong (PDSE Corruption), How to Delete a Problem PDSE, The V File Viewer, unXMIT, Vista TN3270, Journey to zHPF, CEC Consolidation, HiperDispatch APARs, Problem Management Viewable (PMV) Records, Standalone IOCP


Bit Bucket 2B

SHARE 119 – Aug 2012

Automatic Commands using z/OS Unix Facilities, Unhealthy Health Checks, Not Your Fathers CA-1, Dealing with Insecurity, Large Pages, Move It or Lose It, Lock it up and Throw away the Key


Bit Bucket 2C

SHARE 120 – Feb 2013

Integral Integrity, Security Portal, Virtually Exhausted, Beware BPXWDYN, Goodbye Bookmanager – Hello InfoCenter, Dataset Corruption, Auto Reply


Bit Bucket 2D

SHARE 121 – Aug 2013

Profiling (HMC), POR, SYSPLEX Timer and POR, FICON and DWDM, OSA-ICC Consoles greater than Mod 5, HFS's Death Exaggerated, Zero Address Detection (ZAD), Dead Software Society – Old and New Tools


Bit Bucket 2E

SHARE 122 – Mar 2014

IOGEN SYSPLEX-Wide, ZFS Shrinking and Reorg, JCL Long Parm support in z/OS 2.1, Getting Pinned, I don't see no stinkin' Messages


Bit Bucket 2F

SHARE 123 – Aug 2014

Getting Loopy, ENQ Upgrade or Downgrade, Recent Pain Points, ISRLOGO Go Away, More on HFS, ISPF SRCHFOR, Integrated 3270 Console, OS/360 Mostly Dead and Hercules


This Bit Bucket intentionally left blank

Bit Bucket 31

SHARE 124 – Mar 2015

TN3270 Secure Socket (SSL), HMC Heaven, zPotpouirri, MVS is Tur(n)Key (Hercules), Irreconciled Differences, ISPF Logo Suppress


Bit Bucket 32

SHARE 125 – Aug 2015

ISPF Edit Undo, Page Datasets, SHARE Requirements for NJE over TCP/IP, Moving Datacenter, Capturing TSO Command Output under ISPF, Immense but not Indefinite Integrity, Sysplex Failure Management Polity and AutoIPL, How Green is My Screen (Vista tn3270)?


Bit Bucket 33

SHARE 126 – Mar 2016

Interesting Issues from IBM-Main, ISPF 3.2 Ignores SDB, CF Distance Testing, Apply Bypass(Holderr,ID) - Nooooo!, Bypass Allocation Management Software, IEAVTSZE, PTRACE Fun, z/OS TimeUsed Service, Off - Off Line, 3270 On The Go, Vista3270-TPX-NetSpy, Crypto


Bit Bucket 34

SHARE 127 – Aug 2016

Personal z/OS,Beware Read-Only Mounts in BPXPRMxx, Redundant Connections to I/O Devices, 50 Ways to LEAVE (EAV) Your DASD, InfoPrint Server and RD&T, SDSF LOG LOCATE time-date, Hardware Instrumentation Services (HIS) is Missing, Misc Sources,IBM Doc Buddy, What do you mean Crypto is Broken?, A Buzz Flight over z/OSMF, MCL Currency


Bit Bucket 35

SHARE 128 – Mar 2017

OSA-ICC, Computer History Museum, We Don't Need No Stinking JAVA (HMC Problem), ISPF 3.17, TIME (STP) for POR, Automating JES2 NJE


Bit Bucket 36

SHARE 129 – Aug 2017

ISPFSFTP, Master the Mainframe (TSO Logon SUB=MSTR), Sysprogs Start Your (zIIP) Engines, Trust but Verify (CBU), Implement AT-TLS 1.2, Who Let the z/OSMF Dog Out?, System Symbols, Bouncing SDSFAUX, DevOps Stickers, The Button Man, Distributed Consoles, Hold that PTF!


Bit Bucket 37

SHARE 130 – Mar 2018

OSA ICC TLS eieio, Mainframe Support Offerings in 2018, z/OSMF Workflows Hints and Tips, ISPF 3.17 UDLIST – UNIX Commands, Inadequate Password Controls, Discontinuous Availability, Abend S722


Bit Bucket 38

SHARE 131 – Aug 2018

OSPROTECT – Find out What It Means, Take Two Dumps and Don't Call Me in the Morning, Display GRS ENQ Information, z14 ZR1 really is skinny, Mainframe Support Offerings in 2018, IBM SOD regarding DFS/SMB Server and Using NFS, Sending Doc to IBM Support Challenges PUTDOC vs PDUU, Tell Me Why You're IPLing, PDS(E) and Aliases


Bit Bucket 39

SHARE 132 – Mar 2019

Coffee Has Gotten Expensive (JAVA jive), AREADing is Fundamental, ISPF Crazy with some CUCI Usermods, A Manual for Manual Tape, At Your Discretion (WLM), Storage Shortages, XMIT tool – the new UNXMIT


Bit Bucket 3A

SHARE 133 – Aug 2019

Leaving the IBMLink Grid – Move to Salesforce, OOCoD/CBU, SMP/E meets BLSR, VIPA Demystified, MSM After z/OS 2.3 Upgrade, Let My Cert Open the Door


Bit Bucket 3B

SHARE 134 – Feb 2020

Why Remove SMB, Workflow Woes, RACFPROD and RACFADM, Snatching Defeat from the Jaws of Victory (One SysProg’s Tales from the Datacenter)


Bit Bucket 3C

SHARE 135 – Aug 2020

ACEECHK,Linux Won't Boot on my PC – CloneZilla, To FTP or SFTP


Bit Bucket 3D

SHARE 136 – Mar 2021

ISPF Crazy with some CUCI Usermods, Are Analysts Killing the Mainframe,


Bit Bucket 3E

SHARE 137 – Aug 2021

Think about keeping that RSU level current, JES2 Policy, The Official CBT ISPF Dialog


Bit Bucket 3F

SHARE 138 – Mar 2022

UNIX Back-Up Catch-Up (HSM), Check your Syntax and Datasets at the Door (IBM Symbolic Parmlib Parser), Workload Interaction Correlator (WIC), JOB Groups and the SCHEDULE JCL card, Finding a New PhD as Your SYSPROG


Bit Bucket 40

SHARE 139 – Aug 2022

zFS Shrink, Hidden RMF Goodies (ERBSCSAN/ERBSHOW), Recovering Deleted RACF Classes, ODE to Mainframe Legacy, Low Core, Lock Around the Clock,


Bit Bucket 41

SHARE 140 – Mar 2023

z/OS Items of Interest – JES2 Syntax Checker and EasyIPL, Balancing Act (WLM Managed Initiators), Colorful Console Language


Bit Bucket 42

SHARE 141 – Aug 2023

ISPF Edit Labels, CBT2GIT, PyRACF, OSA Consoles – Problems/Alternatives – SMCS, HOLDDATA, APAR Numbering Scheme, Standard Packaging Rules for z/OS Based Products, DADSM UNMAP, Symbolically Speaking, Sysprog Speak


Bit Bucket 43

SHARE 142 – Mar 2024

The SHARE Requirements System, Data Set File System User Interface, Doing (SOME) “Stupid” Things So You Don’t Have To, A Tribute to Robert “Bob” Paine Shannon, SHARE Icon and Co-Founder of the Bit Bucket

Bit Bucket 44 SHARE 143 - Aug 2024 TSO/E CLI vs z/OS UNIX command prompt via SSH, Using DIAGNOSE to automate z/OS IPLs under z/VM, The Fully Wired System Programmer REBOOT, zFSTools for z/OS ISPF Dialog: Update, Java Release 17 compatibility with z/OS, zfsadm shrink enhancements, ISPF CUCI USERMODs updates