The Enterprise-wide Program focuses on a variety of different projects that influence SHARE members and SHARE as an organization.
Project areas include:
DevOps Project

DevOps is a set of application development and operational practices that brings together all aspects of a business working towards the goal of delivery of business value. This project seeks to explore how movement towards DevOps practices impacts the Enterprise Computing community and the technology it supports.
Click here to learn more about the DevOps Project Team and the volunteers who got it all started!
zNextGen Project
zNextGen is a user-driven community of over 1,000 members, representing 24 countries for new and emerging z System professionals that has the resources to help expedite your professional development and skills.
zNextGen is looking for deputy project managers and project officers. If you are interested in taking on a role please contact the project manager, Hemanth Rama.
Click here to meet the zNextGen Team and the volunteers who got it all started!
Open Source for Z Project
The Open Source for Z project focuses on the emergence of open source based technologies across different disciplines in the Z ecosystem - DevOps, IT administration, Security, Application Development and more. Topics covered include enterprise viability of open source, existing open source projects, as well as commercial adaptations of open source by software providers.
Click here to learn more about the Open Source for Z Project Team and the volunteers who got it all started!
Enterprise-Wide Program Roster