The Enterprise-Wide Capacity and Performance Management (EWCP) Project ensures that computer systems meet the service level requirements of their customers and provide management with the information they require to make well-informed decisions concerning hardware and software systems. "Enterprise-Wide" implies that our scope encompasses all computing environments in an organization. Hardware configuration issues include processors (such MPs, SMPs, and Parallel Sysplex), storage subsystems, peripherals, and client/server systems. Software environments include servers (z/OS, OS/390, Linux, VM, NT, all flavors of UNIX), and desktop environments (Windows and NT Workstation).
These objectives are accomplished by identifying, evaluating, developing, and/or sharing strategies, tools and techniques for improving the performance and evaluating the capacity requirements of hardware, software and application systems and subsystems including those in multi-platform environments. Current "MVS" topics include components and tools such as SMF, RMF, Systems Resource Manager and the Workload Manager. UNIX/NT and desktop platform topics include capacity planning, performance management, chargeback, management reporting, and measurement tools.
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