Volunteering with SHARE® is your opportunity to have your voice heard and make an impact on the future of the enterprise technology ecosystem. SHARE is your avenue for mentoring others, building your career and increasing your influence in the enterprise IT community.
If you do not see an open volunteer opportunity that suits your interests, please still submit your information! SHARE is always looking for dedicated and passionate individuals to help further our mission.
These Programs, Projects, and/or Committees are currently looking to fill the below openings. If one suits your interest, please denote it in your Volunteer Interest Form submission.
If you are a Project or Program Manager in need of more volunteers, please send your open positions to sharehq@share.org.
Download this Job Description
Position Overview:
- The “go-to” volunteer for the Project Manager - helps to lead and manage the team and project, as well as work on tasks and initiatives assigned to you.
- Year-round commitment and enthusiasm needed!
Essential Functions:
- Maintain a familiarity with the SHARE By-laws, policies and practices, and sign a statement to that effect each year.
- Ensure that all Project Volunteers maintain a familiarity with the SHARE By-laws, policies and practices, and sign a statement to that effect each year.
- Participate actively and regularly in the preparation of, planning for, and attendance of SHARE events and encourage all other Project Volunteers to do the same.
- Maintain an up-to-date mailing list of all Project Volunteers, and ensure that the SHARE master VIP list is kept up-to-date.
- Provide well planned, timely, and informative open sessions for the meetings, in addition to the project working sessions.
- Work with Conference Operations, Programs, and roster volunteers to determine the type of sessions needed.
- Comply with all scheduling guidelines and deadlines.
- Work to minimize the expense of special A/V, while maintaining high quality in the sessions.
- Brief all session chairpersons on their responsibilities
- Attend:
- All-hands meeting
- General Session
- Volunteer Appreciation Lunch
- Speaker Reception
- Project Dinner
- Feedback Session
- Keep the Project membership well informed of project activities.
- Write periodic "Thank you" letters to project officers (and to their management, if requested).
- Maintain a good working relationship with the IBM Project Representative.
- Maintain an active dialogue with the Project Managers.
Qualifications & Skills:
- The “go-to” volunteer for the Project Manager
- Assist in leading the Project
- Fill in as needed when the Project Manager is not available
Direct Reports:
Download this Job Description
Position Overview:
- Volunteer role with a lot of variety in terms of tasks and time commitment.
- Possible roles include:
- Scheduler/Lab Coordinator
- Listserv Manager
- Member List Manager
- Communications Forum Leader
- Mentor Program Leader
- Committee Leader
- Web Page Monitor
- Session Chairs
- You may be asked to help the Deputy Project Manager (DPM) or Project Manager (PM) with other tasks as well – between conferences or at SHARE if you can attend.
Essential Functions:
- Maintain a familiarity with the SHARE By-laws, policies and practices, and sign a statement to that effect each year.
- Participate actively and regularly in the preparation of, planning for, and attendance of SHARE events
- Comply with all scheduling guidelines and deadlines.
- Work to minimize the expense of special A/V, while maintaining high quality in the sessions.
- Brief all session chairpersons on their responsibilities
- Attend:
- All-hands meeting
- General Session
- Speaker Reception
- Project Dinner
- Feedback Session
- Open Board Meeting (when possible)
- Maintain a good working relationship with the IBM Project Representative.
Qualifications & Skills:
- Attention to detail
- Year round commitment
Direct Reports:
Download this Job Description
Position Overview:
- Volunteer role with a lot of variety in terms of tasks and time commitment.
- Possible roles include:
- Scheduler/Lab Coordinator
- Listserv Manager
- Member List Manager
- Communications Forum Leader
- Mentor Program Leader
- Committee Leader
- Web Page Monitor
- Session Chairs
- You may be asked to help the Deputy Project Manager (DPM) or Project Manager (PM) with other tasks as well – between conferences or at SHARE if you can attend.
Essential Functions:
- Maintain a familiarity with the SHARE By-laws, policies and practices, and sign a statement to that effect each year.
- Participate actively and regularly in the preparation of, planning for, and attendance of SHARE events
- Comply with all scheduling guidelines and deadlines.
- Work to minimize the expense of special A/V, while maintaining high quality in the sessions.
- Brief all session chairpersons on their responsibilities
- Attend:
- All-hands meeting
- General Session
- Speaker Reception
- Project Dinner
- Feedback Session
- Open Board Meeting (when possible)
- Maintain a good working relationship with the IBM Project Representative.
Qualifications & Skills:
- Attention to detail
- Year round commitment
Direct Reports:
Volunteer Interest Form