
SHARE Canons of Conduct

SHARE delegates and attendees from Member establishments or Affiliates must:

A. Properly register and display appropriate credentials.
B. Abide by the Bylaws and Policies of SHARE.
C. Not engage in information technology sales, including direct or indirect solicitation, or conduct any other activity contrary to the purposes of SHARE. The term "sales" is defined as the proposal, negotiation, or acceptance of terms and/or conditions associated with the use, rental, lease, purchase, or return of information technology strategies, architectures, products, or services.
D. Not distribute brochures, flyers, promotional materials, etc., or post displays of any kind without approval of the Secretary or designee(s).
E. Not engage in any form of personnel recruiting at SHARE activities.
F. Not use the SHARE name other than in the conduct of SHARE business as determined by the Board of Directors.
G. Not use any SHARE membership list or any part thereof except in the conduct of SHARE business as determined by the Bylaws and/or the Board of Directors.
H. Restrict the use of SHARE technical information or materials (work products, works in progress, and databases), in any media form, to the purposes defined by the Bylaws and/or the Board of Directors. Examples include, but are not limited to, white papers, requirements, conference files, conference agendas, plans, SHARE Proceedings and the SHARE Secretary's Distributions.
I. Refrain from engaging in any activity which violates the proprietary rights of their employers, SHARE, or any other person or organization.
J. Conduct themselves and their activities in a professional manner marked by integrity and a spirit of fair play.
K. Not engage in any form of harassment of another attendee.
L. Not make illegal copies of copyrighted and/or licensed software or use unauthorized copies on SHARE computers.
M. Not engage in any exchange of information or other behavior that violates the antitrust or import/export laws of the United States.
N. Not use SHARE's computer equipment to intentionally download or otherwise access content considered illegal to view or possess.
O. Not intentionally use SHARE's computer equipment to host illegal content, act as mass e-mail servers, or participate in denial of service or other attacks upon other computer systems.