1 Billion Smartphones a Year and Counting – How is Your CICS Connected?
Project and Program:
Application Architecture Development and Integration,
SHARE in Orlando 2015,
According to IDC, in 2013 “the worldwide smartphone market reached yet another milestone, having shipped one billion units in a single year for the first time”. This was an increase of almost 40% over 2012. If much of your business runs on CICS, you have probably already exposed at least some your CICS applications to the mobile world. But are you exposing these services in the optimal way for your company? Come to this session to discover what the supported options are for mobile exploitation in CICS Transaction Server, CICS Transaction Gateway and z/OS Connect. This session will compare and contrast the options available, so you can understand what is right for you. It will also demonstrate how you can use IBM Worklight with CICS TS to optimize your mobile deployments. Make sure your phone is on silent – you won’t want to be disturbed in this session.-Chris Poole-IBM Corporation
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