2015 SHARE in Orlando Proceedings Application
Project and Program:
SHARE-wide Events
Proceedings ,
SHARE in Orlando 2015 ,
This application can be downloaded to search all presentations handed out at the 2015 SHARE in Orlando. Open the zip file, extract all files and store them onto your computer. Finally, open the index.html file to navigate.
Search for presentations by making your selection in the menu in the left panel. You can then search using the various criteria in this first panel. Click on any of the criteria headings to see the specific categories within that heading. As you narrow your selections in the first panel, the matching presentations will appear in the second panel. Once selected in the second panel, details specific to that presentation will appear in the third panel. This panel will also include a list of available files for that session. To reset your search at any time, simply select a new category from the first panel. Search by keyword by typing into the search box on the first panel.
If a session is not included, the speaker did not submit any materials.
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