20986: LNL: Ten Steps to Effective Mainframe Testing
Project and Program:
SHARE Atlanta 2023
While DevOps has finally come to the mainframe, automated testing is still
lagging behind. Many application teams are still using manual testing
procedures, bad test data, and antiquated testing processes that places them at
risk. To get to that next level of DevOps maturity, teams need to embrace
automated testing and modern methodologies for testing on the mainframe. With
this session, we will introduce teams to the 10 Steps for Effective Mainframe
Testing. Step by step we'll show you the processes you need to set up, how to
change your culture around testing, the technologies you need to facilitate this
change, and how to approach your testing. We have already transformed the
developer environment on the mainframe, now embrace testing to take your DevOps
to the next level.
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