31303: What's New in IBM z/OS Change Tracker for 3.1?
Project and Program:
Core Platform,
z/OS Systems Programming
SHARE New Orleans 2023
z/OS V2.5 introduced a new feature called IBM z/OS Change Tracker. z/OS Change
Tracker is designed to deliver real-time, system-wide software configuration
change tracking and control for system libraries across all LPARs in a sysplex,
automatic versioning of identified system control data sets, including
customization of the number of backups, and member-level recovery and reporting
of real-time changes. Since its initial release, more functions have been added
with the addition of a brand new z/OSMF plug-in! This session will cover the
latest enhancements to the IBM z/OS Change Tracker, and show how a busy system
programmer can make use of this helpful facility.
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