31317: z/OS 3.1 & WSC z/OS Hot Topics
Project and Program:
Core Platform,
z/OS Systems Programming
Proceedings ,
2023 ,
SHARE New Orleans 2023
z/OS 3.1 is finally here, and we are excited to be able to share all the latest
features and functions from the Washington System Center's perspective and our
WSC z/OS Hot Topics! Come to this session to hear about the latest features and
functions of z/OS 3.1 and our WSC z/OS Hot Topics where we will share hint and
tips, critical and useful z/OS and Parallel Sysplex items, including z/OS and HW
synergy. We will demonstrate how they can improve your availability,
modernization, security, and simplify your day-to-day operations. We will share
why some of the functions delivered will be game changers for your environments
and could make you decide to move to 3.1 even earlier than planned. Finally, we
will share hints and tips on how you can get ready for and benefit from these
features and functions. All this and much more will be in this session under WSC
z/OS Hot Topics.
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