35431: A Tour of z/OSMF Software Management
Project and Program:
Core Platform,
z/OS Systems Programming,
Systems Management & Automation
SHARE Atlanta 2023
You've heard from IBM and other vendors about installing z/OS platform software
products using z/OSMF Software Management. But what else can you do with
Software Management besides install? How about a consolidated view of all your
software that's already installed across all of your sysplexes, including your
middle-ware, subsystems, program products, and z/OS? How about viewing the
product and data set content of your software? How about running various
maintenance reports and queries? How about deploying (cloning) that existing
software within and across sysplexes? If any of that catches your interest, then
come to this session and take a tour of Software Management beyond installation.
Learn how to identify your existing software to z/OSMF, how to control who can
perform actions on that software, and more.
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