57900: BYOD Lab: z/OSMF - Choose Your Own Topic Option 1 of 3
Project and Program:
Core Platform,
z/OS Systems Programming,
Open Source
SHARE Atlanta 2023
z/OS migration. This lab will not cover all the workflow capabilities, but
rather all the aspects of workflow that you'll need for your z/OS migration
work. Newer capabilities have been added to the z/OS Upgrade Workflow, and this
lab covers those newer items. Create your own z/OSMF Workflow with the Workflow
Editor Do you want to create your own z/OSMF Workflow? This lab will use the
z/OSMF Workflow Editor and show you how to create your own steps, variables, and
execute JCL, and end up with your own Workflow that you can share with users!
Using z/OSMF Software Management for Installation Learn how to use the z/OSMF
Software Management function to look at software instances (products, features,
and FMIDs), look at specific properties, data sets, end of service reports,
sysmod searching, look for missing fixes, comparing software instances,
validating a software instance, and viewing products. Incident Log Operator
Consoles Security Configuration Assistant Sysplex Management Diagnostic
Assistant SDSF on z/OSMF
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