79612: z/OS 3.1 User Experiences
Project and Program:
Core Platform,
z/OS Systems Programming
SHARE Orlando 2024,
The presenter continuously installed a new z/OS® 3.1 driver every month from
December 2022 through September 2023 and experimented with its new functions as
they became available. He will show you how these new functions operate and
provide you with warnings, hints & tips, caveats, etc. based upon his early
experiences and post-GA follow-up. Additional Information: The z/OS V2R1 version
of this presentation won a SHARE Best Session Award and the z/OS V2R5 version
won a SHARE Best of the Best Session Award
https://bcert.me/bc/html/show-badge.html?b=apaarsjs -- Presented by Edward Jaffe
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