83282: Acting On Your Insights: Combining Machine Learning and Business Rules for Truly Agile Digital Decisioning
Project and Program:
Data Center Management,
New and Innovative Technologies,
Machine Learning / Al
SHARE Atlanta 2023
Come and learn how you can put AI to work with digital decisioning using a
combination of Machine Learning and Business Rules. Forrester notes, the best
business decisions come from the combination of human logic with the latest
data-driven intelligence technologies, such as machine learning. Machine
Learning models leverage historic data to provide insights and predictions and
Business Rules codify the best practices and human knowledge. By combining the
two technologies with intelligent decisioning we gain the best of both worlds to
realize the full potential that AI has to offer z/OS applications running in
CICS, batch or IMS. This session will discuss how these capabilities are
available to you on z/OS today and how customers are already using them to their
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