96702: How to Create z/OS UNIX File Backups Without Impacting Existing HSM Processing
Project and Program:
Service Delivery,
Storage Management
SHARE Atlanta 2023
One of the latest DFSMS enhancements provides support to back up and restore
individual z/OS UNIX files residing in zFS data sets through integration with
DFSMShsm and DFSMSdss. This session will highlight recent enhancements shipped
via continuous delivery and ways to utilize all the new support in your shop.
Specifically, the session will focus on how to create a DFSMShsm host to
exclusively process UNIX files without impacting your existing DFSMShsm Space
Management processing or SLAs for existing workloads. Filemode DFSMShsm hosts
exist separately from the current DFSMShsm environment within an LPAR and have
their own unique control data sets, logs and PDAs. Learn how to set-up and
configure Filemode hosts and how to convert from a full DFSMShsm host to the
Classic and Filemode hosts.
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