A Look Inside the HSM Control Data Sets
Project and Program:
MVS Storage Management
SHARE in Atlanta 2012
Have you ever had to response to any of these questions?
- I am getting an error trying to recall my data set. Can you help me get it recalled?
- When I run an AUDIT of my HSM CDS's, I am getting an error I do not understand. How do I fix this problem?
- I am trying to recall a data set, but HSM says the tape is in use. I know the tape is not in use, so why is HSM giving me this error?
- I accidentally deleted my migrated data set. Is it possible to get it back?
- An HSM tape was expired, and it has been overwritten with other data. Is it possible to get any of the HSM data back?
If so, you probably discovered that it would be very useful to know more about what HSM stores in its Control Data Sets (CDS's). The speaker for this session will explain the different HSM CDS record types, how they are related to each other, how to display the HSM CDS records, and how to update them if necessary. He will also show what tools are available for analyzing and reporting on data that is in the HSM CDS's.
Michael Friske, Fidelity Investments
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