A Survey of Sysplex Recovery Mechanisms
Project and Program:
MVS Core Technologies
SHARE Phoenix 2019,
A well configured parallel sysplex provides a fault tolerant infrastructure that serves as the foundation for delivering highly available business services. But what faults must the sysplex tolerate? How does it recover? To achieve high availability, you must be obsessed with failure. So let's examine various failures in the sysplex and see how z/OS recovers. How does the sysplex configuration impact fault tolerance? How can Sysplex Failure Manager (SFM), Automatic Restart Manager (ARM), System Status Detection (SSD), Coupling Facility structure rebuild, and AutoIPL help? Should you build your own solution? The session will be helpful to those new to sysplex or who need to brush up or extend their sysplex HA skill set.-Mark A. Brooks-IBM Corporation
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