A z/OS Systems Programmer Productivity Tool Bag
Project and Program:
MVS Core Technologies
SHARE in Orlando 2011
Do you have too much to do and not enough time to do it? This speaker describes tools for systems programmer and z/OS product enhancements to improve your productivity! Topics will include tools such as the Library Center, Interactive Planning and Installation, Parallel Sysplex, z/OS Health Checker, z/OS Migration Checker, Enhanced PSP Tool, ShopzSeries, Logrec Viewer, and XISOLATE. In addition, the speaker will highlight Announcement letters, SMP/E updates, soft copy updates, migration aids, technical documentation that includes white papers and Redbooks, web deliverables, pointers to useful information, software maintenance strategy, other tools, and much more. There is always too much for the speaker to cover, and not enough time to do it. You should plan to read the rest of the presentation material later.
We welcome all zNextGen members to attend.
Presenter(s): Bette Brody, IBM Corporation
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