Project and Program:
Application Architecture Development and Integration,
Application Development Integration and Infrastructure
SHARE in Orlando 2015,
WAS is WebSphere Application Server. In this overview session we'll get back to basics about what an application server is and why you might want one. We'll look at how WAS on z/OS is different (and mostly the same) as WAS on other platforms. We'll give an overview of some basic administration concepts and monitoring and management.
And what about this Liberty thing? Is that the same thing? Or something different? Does it even apply to z/OS? (yes). Is it true it is inside of CICS and z/OS MF? (yes)
All this and possibly more will get covered in this session. At the very least you'll likely learn some buzzwords to put in your trip report...-David Follis-IBM Corporation; Michael Stephen-IBM Corporation; Gary Picher-IBM Corporation; Don Bagwell-IBM Corporation
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