Accelerate Your Sorts with DFSORT Exploitation of the Integrated Accelerator for Z Sort
Project and Program:
MVS Storage Management
SHARE Virtual Summit 2021,
The addition of special hardware to accelerate frequently used function is a key design point for the z15. This includes the cryptographic accelerator and the compression accelerator, and now the new sort accelerator, which is standard on every z15. The integrated accelerator for sort can be exploited by sort utility programs, such as DFSORT, for the express purpose of improving the performance of many sort routines typically used in batch processing workloads. Sort acceleration also allows clients to reorganize data more frequently in Db2 for better database performance and efficiency, which is key to delivering excellent response time performance for end-user queries and OLTP applications. This session will provide an overview of DFSORT exploitation, how to best utilize the new function in your environment, and some of the potential performance benefits.
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