Auditing Cryptographic Keys for Pervasive Encryption and Other Critical Data
Project and Program:
Enterprise Data Center,
Security and Compliance
SHARE St. Louis 2018
We all know that securing the cryptographic keys that protect data is critical for standards compliance and safeguarding digital assets. However, how do you verify that only authorized users are using those keys in the ways they were intended? How do you ensure that key updates were authorized? How do you begin to detect anomalies in the update or usage patterns of keys or if a key has been compromised? And how do you ensure that a master key change will not render some keys unusable and cause a disruption or worse lost data? Join this session to learn how to use Integrated Cryptographic Services Facility (ICSF) key auditing to track a cryptographic key through its lifecycle from its creation, to how it is used, to its eventual disposal.-Roan Dawkins-IBM
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