Automated Testing? On MY Mainframe? It's More Likely Than You Think!
Project and Program:
Enterprise Data Center,
Data Center Management
SHARE in Pittsburgh 2014
"Where's that test JCL again? Oh, wait, that's the old version! You need Charlie's copy... I think it's in XYZZY.TEST.CNTL(TESTME). Check the time stamps though, that might not be the latest one." And even then, how do you automate this process, from unit testing through system and integration testing to user acceptance testing? How do you make sure, in a reliable way, that once a problem is corrected, it stays corrected?
Fortunately, there is at least one good answer – continuous integration using the Jenkins open-source tool, driving tests implemented with Robot Framework, an open-source generic test automation framework.
This session will introduce you to Robot Framework and Jenkins, with particular emphasis on how they can be effectively used to test programs that run on z/OS systems natively. We’ll discuss writing test cases, setting up a remote Robot Framework server on z/OS, and integration into automation tools.
Come hear how Voltage Security has integrated Robot Framework's remote library keywords with an open-source XML-RPC server library to create a process that is easily maintainable, repeatable, and can be implemented in a continuous integration environment to provide early warning of breakages in your programs. Learn how Robot Framework's test expression capabilities allow you to write top-down test cases whose highest levels can be easily understood and validated by business domain specialists, while the details are left to be expressed by technical folk such as us! Hear how we converted a testing system from a process with many manual steps to what amounts to "push-this-button-and-wait-for-the-results" setup.-Richard Way-Voltage Security
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