Availability and Applications - the Missing Links to Resiliency and Successful Recovery
Project and Program:
MVS Storage Management
SHARE Atlanta 2016,
Many resiliency plans have no awareness of interdependencies with other database or batch applications. Recovery of corruption or a rollback in time from one application may disruption others down the line when the wrong point in time or consistency point is chosen. Unravelling and correcting misapplied recovery point causes additional delay in return to normal operations. Today’s world of 24/7 online transaction requires knowledge of what is the right copy to restore and in what order to minimize downstream impact. Regardless of the resiliency strategy selected, time to data is the primary driver for business and processing resumption. With an average of 12 to 15 copies of data out there, does your crash consistency point meet your SLA and have you considered all the variables, including batch?-Roselinda Schulman-Hitachi Data Systems; Rebecca Levesque-21st Century Software
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