Beyond Disaster Recovery: Taking Your Enterprise from High Availability to Continuous Availability
Project and Program:
Enterprise Data Center,
Data Center Management
SHARE in Orlando 2011
Effectively combining aspects of high availability and disaster recovery provides the best investment for some business applications. IBM customers have been working with IBM for several years to redefine disaster recovery and high availability computing environments. Recognizing that there are often geographic and time to recover limitations with today's technologies, this workgroup has defined a new solution that combines data replication, monitoring and metrics tools as well as workload management solutions to deliver a continuous availability environment. Our speaker will discuss the tools, techniques and strategies that you can deploy to help you provide both high availability and disaster recovery for your business applications at the same time.
The topics discussed will include:
- What is meant by an "active-active" environment and why is it important to today's enterprises?
- What technologies must interoperate to deliver on this solution?
- What are the possible migration paths from your current availability solution to a full active-active solution?
Presenter(s): Karen Durward, IBM Corporation
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