Big Data Needs Big Knowledge Management
Project and Program:
Information Management,
SHARE in San Francisco 2013
Big data can be considered as a euphemism for tons of stuff being stored somewhere that someone has to search through to find something useful. Powerful software and search engines to find 'stuff' are available, but the fact is that big data is organized mostly as 'it's all in there somewhere'.
What can we do about it? Well, not much in terms of slowing down the mass input, but we can at least recognize that this is as much a people, organization and process issue as it is a technical one.
Knowledge management has been around for a while now, but as with other good practices the hard part (people and process) has been neglected and the 'easy part', generally a service desk repository of often useless 'self serve' knowledge has been created as the superficial answer to the wrong KM question. The wrong one being 'How do I share knowledge’?
This will help you to ask the right question. And show you where big knowledge meets big data. Brian Johnson ; CA Technologies
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