Cloud and Big Data Driving IT Transformation
Project and Program:
SHARE-wide Events
SHARE in Anaheim 2012,
As the foundation of computational performance, availability and security, the Mainframe continues to deliver scale and performance required by Cloud Computing and Big Data. As IT organizations continue to deal with information deluge and budget dilemmas, new ways of managing the data center have to be adopted. Virtualization across the data center has transformed the way IT organizations deliver IT services more dynamically and at the lowest costs. The next level of Transformations challenges enterprises to go beyond virtualization. The first Transformation requires IT organizations to federate resources, dissolve distances between data centers and accelerate hybrid cloud models. This wave of IT Transformation will enable IT organizations to leverage resources in both the private and enterprise-class public clouds. The second Transformation requires enterprises to intelligently correlate and analyze Big Data to gain deeper insights into their customers and their business. Big Data is here and it is driving day to day decisions, it is more important than ever to intelligently use all data and guarantee that it is available at all times. In this session, Brian Gallagher, President, Enterprise Storage Division at EMC will focus on how these macro trends transform IT, how enterprises and IT professionals need to address new challenges, and how the Mainframe plays a critical role in driving IT Transformation.
Brian Gallagher ; EMC
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