COBOL - Here's to the Next 60 Years
Project and Program:
Application Architecture Development and Integration,
LE and Programming Languages
SHARE Fort Worth 2020
The application development language, COBOL, turned 60 at the end of 2019.
September 1959 saw the first mention of the technical acronym “COBOL”, which was then adopted as the name for the language being specified and developed.
This session will outline and celebrate the technology that was originally devised 60 years ago, but is far more than a 60 year-old idea. That important distinction will underline our narrative about COBOL’s enduring and continued relevance and popularity.
The language’s history is a fascinating study - the way in which it was designed, its continued evolution and relevance, and a number of defining characteristics have ensured it remains in widespread usage. We will outline those attributes and share plenty of 3rd party comments and references.
Come and help celebrate and remind yourselves of the profound impact of the most successful computing business language.-Derek Britton-Micro Focus
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