COBOL Performance - Myths and Realities
Project and Program:
Application Architecture Development and Integration,
LE and Programming Languages
SHARE in Orlando 2011
There has been a lot of buzz lately about IBM COBOL compilers and performance of the programs that they produce. Come and hear the real scoop from IBM COBOL development. We will talk about COBOL performance past, present, and (most importantly) future, and will give you tuning tips along with COBOL coding hints. We will also talk about lessons learned from eight years of new information while updating the Performance Tuning Paper for the new releases of IBM COBOL. The tuning methods discussed here are intended to assist users in selecting from the various options which are available for compiling COBOL programs with IBM Enterprise COBOL V4R2 and executing them with the Language Environment component of z/OS V1R12. This session is the IBM response to a SHARE Requirement.
Presenter(s): Tom M. Ross, IBM Corporation
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