Compensating Controls ... aka How This Systems Programmer Got Her Groove Back!
Project and Program:
Enterprise Data Center,
Security and Compliance
SHARE in Orlando 2011
This SHARE’d experience looks at one team’s efforts in helping a major international bank to provide the compensating controls required by management to enable the Systems Programming Team to actually be effective.
Changing the z/OS configuration and the impact that it could have on compliance makes us all a little anxious these days. Although we (Systems Programmers) understand that z/OS requires more or less constant tweaking, we also recognize that concerns about potentially introducing problems are valid. Even so, there’s very little that’s worse than trying to fix a z/OS problem in the early hours of the morning only to get shut out by the External Security Manager!
In this session, our speaker will look at a new approach. By cooperating with Audit and Security to provide compensating controls, systems programmers can end up in a much better position – both for mission critical services and for the technicians tasked with looking after those services. Whilst other solutions are available, our speaker will discuss a real life example of implementing those controls – how we did it technically (using NewEra Software’s Image FOCUS and Control Editor products) and how we managed to get buy in from all the relevant parties.
Presenter(s): Julie-Ann Williams, Millennia Business Systems Ltd
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