Configuring and Exploiting the New Infoprint Server FromAFP Transforms
Project and Program:
MVS Core Technologies
SHARE in Anaheim 2012,
IBM released a set of new Infoprint Server transforms last year and has since added significant new function. This session will detail configuration and migration from the original Transforms. It will also discuss the new functions added and how you can use them to convert a much wider range of AFP file to PDF, PCL or PostScript. The new Transforms support most of the latest AFP Architecture and can use it make better looking output. The speaker will answer questions about any of the InfoPrint Transform products. This session will be useful for systems programmers responsible for Infoprint Server, those investigating converting print files for archive, email, web service and print, and for applications programmers looking to incorporate multichannel delivery into their output strategy.
Elizabeth Smith ; InfoPrint Solutions Company
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