Containing MLC Costs For Mobile and New Workloads
Project and Program:
MVS Core Technologies
SHARE Atlanta 2016,
IBM’s latest initiatives to encourage the deployment of new applications on z/OS lookcompelling – after all, who could say NO to a 60% discount? But the devil is in the details.
This unbiased session discusses the critical technical decisions you need to make if you want to derive the maximum value from IBM’s MWP and zCAP offerings. From controlling management expectations, through identifying key SMF fields, this session has it all.
We don’t believe there is a single ‘right’ answer that applies to every installation, so we will arm you with the questions to help you find the right answer for your installation. Invest a little (of your time), it will help (your sanity) a lot.-Frank Kyne-Watson & Walker, Inc.; Cheryl Watson-Watson & Walker, Inc.
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