Country Multiplex Pricing (CMP) is here – What you need to know to minimize your MLC costs
Project and Program:
SHARE-wide Events,
SHARE in San Antonio 2016
IBM’s Country Multiplex Pricing (CMP) became available last October. This is arguably the most significant software pricing announcement from IBM in ten years. Virtually every mainframe shop with more than one CPC/CEC should be interested in this announcement. But don’t think you can just move to CMP and immediately see lower software bills – if you don’t do it right; your annual costs could actually be higher.
In this session we will dive into how sub-capacity pricing works pre and post CMP. We will explain how the all-important Rolling Four Hour Average (R4HA or 4HRA) is calculated and how it likely does not match your typical “busy peaks”. We’ll also explain how Defined Capacity and Group Capacity soft caps work and whether or not capping is appropriate in your environment. Finally we’ll discuss what more can be done and introduce you to the latest enhancements from ThruPut Manager’s Automated Capacity Management (ACM) feature.
Come listen; bring your questions; and decide for yourselves. Whether you’re in finance; capacity planning or performance; you don’t need to be a ThruPut Manager user to get significant value from this session.-John Baker-MVS Solutions
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