Country Multiplex Pricing: The Gift That Keeps Giving, But To Whom?
Project and Program:
MVS Core Technologies
SHARE Providence 2017,
IBM announced Country Multiplex Pricing (CMP) in July 2015. After an initial period of tire-kicking, the momentum to move to CMP is building. In particular, we are seeing IBM pushing customers to move to CMP as part of new Enterprise License Agreements (ELAs). There are many attractive aspects to CMP - in some ways it is what Parallel Sysplex License Charging should have been from the beginning. However, those benefits might come with a cost, and a cost that will be with you until you move to whatever IBM invents to replace CMP years from now. Contrary to popular belief, the secret to minimizing those costs is not necessarily to minimize your costs just prior to the move. If CMP is in your future, come to this session to learn from the lessons and mistakes of those that went before you.-Frank Kyne-Watson & Walker, Inc.
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