DB2 10 performance topics
Project and Program:
Information Management,
SHARE in Anaheim 2011,
This session will highlight performance measurements on DB2 10 for z/OS. DB2 10 improves performance and reduces CPU usage. Most customers can achieve out-of-the-box CPU savings of 5 to 10 percent for traditional workloads and up to 20 percent, compared to previous releases. REBIND is needed to obtain the best performance and memory improvements. DB2 reduces CPU usage by optimizing processor times and memory access, leveraging the latest processor improvements, larger amounts of memory, and z/OS enhancements. Improved scalability and constraint relief can add to the savings. Productivity improvements for database and systems administrators can drive even more savings.
In DB2 10, performance improvements focus on reducing CPU processing time without causing significant administration or application changes. Most performance improvements are implemented by simply migrating to DB2 10 and rebinding. You gain significant performance improvements from distributed data facility (DDF) optimization, buffer pool enhancements, parallelism enhancements, and more.
DB2 10 performance benchmarking and customer experience has shown a 5 to 10% CPU reduction in transactions after rebinding. Some customers may get more or some less CPU reduction depending on the workload. Customers who have scalability issues, such as virtual storage constraints or latching can see higher improvements. Opportunities for tuning can take advantage of memory improvements. High volume, short-running distributed transactions can take advantage of CPU reductions, using release deallocate.
Concurrent sequential insert CPU time can be reduced from 5% - 40%. Queries can be improved as much as 20% without access path change, and more for better access paths. A native SQL procedure workload has shown up to 20% CPU reduction using SET statements, IF statements and SYSDUMMY1. Customers moving from DB2 9 should expect a small (0% to 7%) reduction in CPU times for utilities, while customers moving from DB2 V8 will see larger CPU reductions in the range of 20%.
Presenter(s): Roger Miller, IBM Corporation
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