Deep Dive Into IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator Query Acceleration
Project and Program:
Information Management,
SHARE in San Francisco 2013
The IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator (IDAA) brings revolutionary query performance to DB2 for z/OS for selected queries with great cost/performance characteristics, and opens up unprecedented opportunities to turn data to real-time business insights on System z. This presentation will give an inside view of DB2 Analytics Accelerator query acceleration and provide the best practices in using IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator to optimize DB2 workload. It will cover DB2 query acceleration criteria, what queries are suitable for IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator, how DB2 Analytics Accelerator impacts the query performance (both acceleration eligible or not eligible), recently added new features, tips and best practices to maximize IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator sweet spot while minimizing the impact to non-eligible queries. Maryela Weihrauch & Ruiping Li ; IBM Corporation
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