DevOps for Mainframe using Open Source tools
Project and Program:
DevOps in the Enterprise
SHARE St. Louis 2018
This session will show what is possible using a combination of Open Source and Vendor products to modernize the z/OS development. This session will not focus on one vendor solution, but will offer multi-vendor solution, in conjunction with Open Source tools where possible.
Some of these combinations have been proven in proof on concepts and are in theory. List of tools, not inclusive, being discussed.
Git, Jenkins, Maven/Gradle, SonarLint, SonarQube, IBM Developer for z Systems (including DBB and zUnit), Junit, nUnit, XebiaLabs Deploy, Urban Code Deploy, Eclipse IDE with multiple vendor plugins (IBM Aqua, Compuware Topaz Workbench, Serena ChangeMan Client Pack, Java development, Git, Cloudbee's Jenkins), JIRA, Artifactory, z/OS Connect EE, Ivory Web Services, SAF Passtickets, IBM Application Discovery tool-Jerry Edgington-Western & Southern Financial Group
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