Engineering Auditability into Your Enterprise Data Center
Project and Program:
Enterprise Data Center,
Security and Compliance
SHARE in Atlanta 2012
Being audited is part of being in the enterprise data center business. Making the audit process part of your overall operations, including workload planning and budgeting, will reduce the potential that audits can have a detrimental effect on both operational costs and your ability to efficiently deliver services.
This session will present the audit process in operational terms and provide a strategic approach to engineering the functions needed to effectively and efficiently support the internal and external audit and compliance verifications that are part of successful data center operations. The presenter has extensive hands-on experience in both being audited and being the auditor. He will provide you a realistic plan for incorporating the activities and products that your enterprise data center needs to have in place to make audits and compliance a routine aspect of your service delivery.
David Hayes, US Government Accountability Office
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