Enterprise COBOL v6.3 Was Announced! What's New?
Project and Program:
Application Architecture Development and Integration,
LE and Programming Languages
SHARE Fort Worth 2020
IBM just announced Enterprise COBOL for z/OS, V6.3! IBM Enterprise COBOL for z/OS, V6.3 exploits the capabilities of IBM z/Architecture and adds the following new features and enhancements: • Compiler support for the new IBM z15 hardware and IBM z/OS V2.4 operating system so applications can take advantage of the latest IBM Z architecture and operating system features and capabilities
• Ability to exploit the new Vector Packed Decimal Facility of z15 with new ARCH level
• AMODE 64 support
• FUNCTION keyword optional
• UTF-8 native data type support
• Dynamically sized elementary items
-Tom M. Ross-IBM Corporation
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