Expose Mainframe Applications as APIs to Connect with DevOps Build and Test Environments
Project and Program:
Application Architecture Development and Integration,
Application Development Integration and Infrastructure
SHARE Virtual Summit 2021,
Expose mainframe applications as APIs to connect with DevOps build and test environments
Improve your development cycle by exposing COBOL screens as APIs and automatically generate them as unit tests. Build up your automated testing capability to reach the Mainframe and capture that knowledge by recording the whole application test, including screen navigation and input and output parameters. Then connect them with your DevOps build and test processes and allow this information to be reused with every new build as part of your DevOps toolchain.
Join us and explore how to: • Eliminate tedious, redundant testing tasks by streamlining automated testing processes
• Generate REST APIs from mainframe screens
• Generate Unit Tests from mainframe screens
• Leverage modern DevOps tools with your mainframe applications – run the unit tests suite from a CI/CD build server environment
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