Frogs, Algae, and Bottled Water: Lessons Learned for Assessing Mainframe Events
Project and Program:
Enterprise Data Center,
Integrating Innovative Technologies
Proceedings ,
2020 ,
SHARE Fort Worth 2020
Canaries were used to detect and alert miners to poisonous gases ("canary and the coal mine"), giving them time to evacuate and save lives--that's just one example of how bioindicators have been useful in understanding a challenging environment. This session will look at how those examples can be leveraged to help us understand our mainframe environments better: bioindicators as key signals of environmental change that can be precursors of events which have significant impact. The session will map methods scientists have used to study natural environments to practical applications in our mainframe environments. The goal: using this new lens to obtain insights that are tangible, actionable, and valuable, through the use of assessments that help us understand our mainframe environments.-Libor Cerny-CA/Broadcom, Product Owner of MRI; Christopher Spencer-Broadcom
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