HELP!!! Leveraging z/OS Tools for Training!
Project and Program:
zNextGen Project,
SHARE-wide Events
SHARE Atlanta 2016,
From in-house z/OS Universities to just plain OJT (On the Job Training) most departments/disciplines are tasked with providing some form of training to: maintain current skills, develop additional skills, and on-board new hires. In this session we examine the tools available in the z/OS TSO/ISPF environment to assist in this effort. We'll present TSO HELP, ISPF/product Tutorials, Help Panels, the ISPF/SDSF Help Index, and MVS/QuickRef. In addition the web-based facilities of the z/OS Internet Library and IBM LookAt will be discussed.-John G. Kelley-Kelley-Dalton, Incoporated
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