Hidden Treasures in z/OS (aka Bit Bucket x'40')
Project and Program:
MVS Core Technologies
SHARE Columbus 2022
During this session, the speakers will cover a myriad of topics too small to
have a session of their own and too important not to pass along. You can take
these items back home and put them straight to use. Some topic from past
SHARE's: HMC Integrated 3270 Console for NIP/IPL, IEFSSNxx BEGINPARALLEL, Excl
to SHR ENQ Downgrade, $CIWORK, HSM Patch Limit, zFS Migration, and much more! To
view all past Bit Bucket presentations you can visit the SHARE website at
www.share.org/mvs and then click the 'Now available in our file library: Every
Bit Bucket presentation from every SHARE!' link. The Bit Bucket has been a
tradition at SHARE since 1991 and has new content at each conference.
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