How to Use the IODF as the Foundation of z/Enterprise System Compliance
Project and Program:
Enterprise Data Center,
Data Center Management
SHARE in Orlando 2011
The I/O Definition File (IODF) can be perceived as the central control point for your zEnterprise configuration. The configuration elements, IODF, IOCP, SWCP and OSCP, are primary integration control points for your zEnterprise. In this session, our speaker will provide best practices for using HCD and/or HCM to achieve:
- A direct mapping of Business and Control Objects into their matching Processor (PROCID), Logical Channel Subsystem (LCSS) and Resource (LPAR) definitions
- An understanding of CHPID types and connectivity, with specific emphasis on LSYSTEM (Local System) and CSYSTEM (Connected System) pairings
- LPAR isolation using a definable Positive/Negative Candidate List.
Additionally, our speaker will discuss examples of available methods for extracting and interpreting data directly from an IODF dataset using the IBM provided tool (CBDMGHCP) and how this information can be used to monitor your configurations for change compliance. The IODF's role in improving z/OS integrity and compliance will be highlighted.
Presenter(s): Paul Robichaux, New Era Software, Inc.
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