IBM Responses to SHARE MVS Storage (MVSS) Requirements
Project and Program:
MVS Storage Management
Proceedings ,
2014 ,
SHARE in Pittsburgh 2014
Are you interested in influencing the direction of DFSMS deliverables in future z/OS releases? Have you already submitted a DFSMS requirement? In this session, the recent MVSS SHARE requirements and their responses will be reviewed and discussed.
Also Glenn Wilcock, IBM's DFSMSHSM architect with present his backlog 'short list' of HSM requirements and have customers vote to prioritize them.
Glenn will go through all of the requirements for a discussion on each and then go back and have all the attendees vote 0 - 5. IBM will use this priority to determine which ones get worked on first.
Update CDS records w/o recall for ALTER CARECLAIM
CA-Reclaim status in migration records
When a VSAM dataset is migrated to HSM, all the information from ATTRIBUTES and SMSDATA is not not stored in catalog entry when data set is in migrate status, for example, from SMSDATA, dataclas, storclas is stored, however, CA-RECAIM information is not stored. Customer is looking for a way of knowing if the VSAM dsn that is migrated had CA-RECLAIM(YES) or (NO), neither LISTCAT or DCOLLECT shows this information. Currently, they have to recall the data set and then do LISTCAT.
Target Migration/Class Transition Tier by Data Set Size
The Space Management Hierarchy is rapidly evolving with recent storage advancements and DFSMShsm needs to rapidly evolve to keep abreast of these changes. With the lowering costs of primary storage, customers are delaying when they migrate data and are choosing to not migrate small data at all. DFSMShsm does not have a user friendly way to manage this. A new external needs to be created that enables customers to easily customize which data gets migrated and to which tier, based on size.This came up during a SHARE free-for-all session, and all attendees in the session indicated that this feature is needed.
Create a new list in CRQ to handle duplicate Recall requests, and only process once. Eliminate the ARC1102I message.
Use RACF to authorize specified users to unlimited recall requests. For other users, limit to a specified number.
QUERY cmd doesn't support writing to a file or SYSOUT
The ability to write the output of a QUERY to an Output file or SYSOUT would allow analysis and post processing to address potential issues related to queued or active requests.
Also, QUERY and other 'quick' commands should be processed by a new task underneath ARCCTL, instead by ARCCTL itself.
Use SG Priority for ODM and IM
Another SHARE 'verbal' requirement
FSRs for skipped data sets
During Primary Space Management, DFSMShsm will only create an FSR record for files that pass eligibility checking. When a file is failed without attempting activity on it, no FSR is created but if it fails after this point, DFSMShsm will cut an FSR record. The client would like to see the failures included regardless of when the failure occurs as they use FSR records to monitor system activity.
Support Fast Subsequent Migration for spanned data sets
Close the CDSes after backup so that catalog stats are correct
Another SHARE 'verbal' requirement. This situation is alleviated by using RLS.-Barbara W. McDonald-IBM Corporation; Jim Erdahl-US Bank; Glenn Wilcock-IBM Corporation
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