IBM z/OS Authorized Code Scanner
Project and Program:
Enterprise Data Center,
Security and Compliance
SHARE Virtual Experience 2021
With new cybercrimes reported in mainstream news media, have you been asked how to further strengthen your enterprise's security posture? Have you ever been asked about code scanning on z/OS? The IBM z/OS Authorized Code Scanner (zACS) is a new innovation in the area of system integrity. Pervasive encryption on IBM Z, IBM RACF for z/OS, and IBM Z Multi-Factor Authentication are just a few examples of differentiating enterprise security function available on the IBM Z platform, and they all rely upon system integrity. Authorized programs on z/OS and their associated application programming interfaces are critical to that integrity. These include authorized programs from IBM, the z/OS vendor ecosystem, and in-house code specific to a customer's enterprise. zACS was developed to support customers in their efforts to strengthen the security posture of the overall z/OS stack. This session will explain how the scanner is configured, how it is run, and what kinds of potential vulnerabilities it can discover for subsequent investigation as needed.
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