I'll take 2 Blockchains please - Blockchain Use Cases: The Good the Bad and the Ugly
Project and Program:
Enterprise Data Center,
Integrating Innovative Technologies
SHARE Phoenix 2019,
Blockchain has been widely considered to be the next great technology - it being touted as technology that will fundamentally change the way business is conducted. In the recent months it has begun to reap benefits for companies across industries, leading professionals to consider how it will impact them and their business. It may be a great technology, however it is not a solution to all the world problems. This session examines all elements blockchain - why was it created, what problems was this technology created to solve and will lead to a discussion of blockchain use cases - where does this technology fit in your business and what problems does it solve.This session will answer questions like - what makes a good blockchain use case, and how to get started.-Kevin Breitenother-IBM
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