IMS and Java - Best Practices Hands-on Lab
Project and Program:
Information Management,
Information Management Systems
SHARE in Boston 2013,
Would you like to understand and gain hands-on experience creating Java applications to access and manipulate enterprise data residing on the IMS database ? Then come to this lab which will take you through the steps of writing a Java application to access IMS databases using the IMS Universal JDC driver from an application running in Rational Developer for System z.
Develop an application that accesses native IMS database
Perform queries
Deploy an application to Websphere Application Server.
Customers who store business data in IMS databases want an easy way to access their data. They also want to be able to develop applications for IMS using modern and standardized programming solutions.
Java and IMS is a partnership of the past, present and future. The IMS Universal drivers, part of the IMS Version 12, are software components that provide Java applications with connectivity to IMS databases from z/OS® and from distributed environments through TCP/IP.
The IMS Universal drivers are built on industry standards and open specifications. Java applications that use the IMS Universal drivers can reside on the same logical partition (LPAR) or on a different LPAR from the IMS subsystem. Two types of connectivity are supported by the IMS Universal drivers: local connectivity to IMS databases on the same LPAR (type-2 connectivity) and distributed connectivity through TCP/IP (type-4 connectivity). Joshua Newell; Poonam Chitale IBM Corporation; IBM C
Joshua Newell; Poonam Chitale , IBM Corporation; IBM C
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