IMS NextGen GUI and IMS Requirements Process
Project and Program:
Information Management,
Information Management Systems
SHARE in San Francisco 2013
This is an odd pairing of topics, but you will understand why after attending this session. Developers from the IMS Development Lab will be here to demonstrate the next generation GUI for IMS administration. From a web browser you can see what your IMS environment looks like; you can update a transaction; you can determine which transactions and programs would be impacted by stopping an IMS database; you can visually understand the relationships between resources, and you can get status at a glance. You asked for it, and here it is.
Which brings us to the second half of this session: IMS Requirements. IMS Chief Architect Betty Patterson will demonstrate the new online tool with which you can directly request enhancements to IMS from the convenience of your favorite web browser. We are actively gathering requirements for future releases, so time permitting, we will use this session to hear your wish lists. If there is not time, you will get to test drive the new requirements tool yourself. Demetrios Dimatos & Betty Patterson ; IBM Corporation
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