IMS SOA Integration Suite - Using It To Deliver Business Critical Services
Project and Program:
Information Management,
Information Management Systems
SHARE in Orlando 2011
This presentation describes how to leverage your IMS business services using the principles of Service Oriented Architecture and the IMS SOA Integration Suite.
You will learn the techniques to modernize your IMS Application investments as a service provider and service consumer.
You will discover how the IMS Application Programming Model can be used to provide a service processing flow.
This presentation will also cover how IMS Java language support can be integrated with your existing business logic to build new business and database access functionality.
What knowledge will you gain?
A. An understanding of the IMS SOA Integration Suite solutions
B. New IMS capabilities for modernization of your IMS assets
C. Tools that are available to build IMS SOA solutions
Presenter(s): Ken Blackman, IBM Corporation
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